A Blue Tween Room for Girls

Got a tween girl in the house? Then you know how hard it is to please her. 😉

“Too old for toys, and too young for boys.”

If you want her to take (some) responsibility for keeping her room manageable, you’ve got to include her in the design process.  My daughter’s latest room (yes, there have been many evolutions) was motivated by a move to a new house.

She got the “boys” room. Blue sponge painted walls, blue ceiling, blue carpeting, and blue trim. Notice a trend? But she put her own twist on it, going from boy-blue to girl-blue.

We painted the ceiling and one accent wall Benjamin Moore “Dolphin’s Cove” blue, and the other walls, doors and trim white. We also replace the blue carpet with a lighter neutral carpet (a decision I may later regret).

To keep it more modern (her style), we kept the decor clean-lined with a black canopy bed and curtain rods, simple white window panels with grommets and white bedding. She chose red as her accent color. Timeless!

Here’s the paint…

And here are the furnishings and accessories…

Here are more before and after shots of the room (budget revealed at the end of this post):

I love how the bed turned out…truly the focal point of the room.

Rather than hang fabric from the canopy, we simply added Christmas lights. It’s beautiful at night!

Tweens need a “go to” place where they can hang out (disco ball optional). This little cove seems to work well for that.

Ok, so here’s what we spent in total: $1,435

Not bad, considering that only $735 of that was for furnishings, window treatments and accessories. Best of all, the items from her last room that we didn’t use in this room are now part of her little sister’s Ooh La La French Cafe room. Score one for mom!!!

Looking for more ideas for trendy tween rooms? Check out these tips for designing a tweens room!

***update: we just tweaked her room for her birthday by adding a horse painting and changing the accent color from red to green. Click here to check it out!***

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