11 Easy Tips for Green Living at Home

greenlivingHappy Earth Day!

For 2009 I’ve resolved to live a little greener.  I’m not planning on installing solar panels or buying a hybrid just yet – I’m going to start with little green baby steps to live in a manner that better suites the environment AND my wallet. I call that a win-win!

This first stage of green is what I call the low lying fruit of eco living. These are things I can do in my home to help create a mindset for greener living. I’ll save the big stuff for my 2010 resolution!

  1. Curtain Call: Open drapes during the day to let the sun in, close them at night to keep the cold out.
  2. Bag It: Use cloth bags at the grocery store
  3. Rags are In: Buy oodles of microfiber rags and use them in lieu of sponges and paper towels. I keep one at the kitchen sink, and replace it every day. Just keep a basket near the washing machine for towels and/or wet stuff.
  4. Recycle: cans, glass, paper and plastic (you know the drill, time to be consistent!) Remember, reusing something in a new way counts too!
  5. Drink Up: Add a filter to your tap and drink local to kick your bottled water habit
  6. Unplug: Unplug kitchen appliances when not in use. Plug electronics into power strips that can be easily switched off when not in use (that includes chargers!).
  7. Dry Smart: Clean out your dryer vent and set dryer to automatic dry without the cool fluff option.
  8. Clean Up: Skip the heat dry option on your dishwasher – just run it at night time.
  9. Chill Out: Lower the thermostat and put on a cozy sweater or throw (better yet, just snuggle more!)
  10. Shower with Love: Lower the temperature of your water heater (shower with a friend, anyone?)
  11. Lights Out: Use energy efficient light bulbs. Better yet, turn off lights when not in use. How about candlelight instead?

There you have it…if I can do it, so can you! What other ways are you living greener in your home?

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