10 Man Cave Design Tips to Preserve Family Harmony

man caveNote: I recently contributed to an article in the NJ Herald about Man Caves. However, since I can’t link to it online, I thought I’d share part if it here. To see the pdf, click here (caution – it’s upside down).

Man Cave (definition): A place where a man can be a man without apology or expectations.

It starts with the tree house and rudimentary “no girls allowed” sign tacked to the door, and resurfaces again after marriage and kids. A retreat to simpler times. It’s a place for him to unwind and recharge so he can be the best man he can be in the “real world.”

The man cave should incorporate his favorite hobbies, sport teams (such as this example), music, past accomplishments, really anything that reminds him of who is was and who he wants to become. This is a place for him to let his imagination and dreams run free.

10 Cave Man Design Tips:

  1. Before beginning the design, agree on a budget. Your marriage is worth it.
  2. Use his favorite colors. When in doubt, remember that darker colors hide more dirt.
  3. A strategically placed area rug over carpet gives double protection and creates a nice zone.
  4. Must have a chair that is more comfortable than attractive. And big.
  5. TV. Bigger = better.
  6. Don’t forget the mini-fridge and recycle container.
  7. Stereo and pre-marital music collection in milk crates are always classic.
  8. Use open storage so he knows what is where without having to ask you. Bookcases are ideal.
  9. Brag wall for photos, concert posters, certificates, favorite sport team paraphernalia etc. (note: paint a wall with magnetic paint – cheaper and more flexible than framing individual items).
  10. And the most important design rule of all: Man gets the final say, even if he’s wrong. He’s baring his soul and should not be mocked. It’s his tree house and girls aren’t allowed.

Once you have your man cave, there are two things that must be negotiated as a family: 1) who will clean it, and 2) what is the secret knock.

And ladies, don’t neglect your own Mom Cave. You deserve a special place too.

Do you have a man cave in your home? And, would you allow a urinal in it? 😉

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